Well we have made it to the end of week two. This week has been good. I have started my normal routine for work and josh is getting back into the swing of things. Not much new going on here this week. The weather has been very windy. One day we were bouncing from condition two to condition three. Occasionally for brief moments it would be a condition one. For those who don't know what the conditions mean here is a brief explanation.
Condition three is perfectly fine, you can go about your buisiness as usual.
Condition two is, go about your business as usual but no going out of town, no working out on the runways.
Condition one is everyone stay in the building and if you are outside, get in.
Condition 3 (lets go for a hike!)
Still Condition 3
Condition 2: in town travel only
Condition 1! enough said
My work department held a housing party and it was fashioned as "the roaring 20's." There were costumes to fit the theme. Below are some pictures for you to enjoy.
(Bob and Talie)
I like the photo of Bob. Looks like his normal costume.
FYI I just got ticketed and it looks like I am scheduled for first flight. Have Fun.
i thought santa lived at the north pole?
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